30 December 2011

11 for 11 Review

A short 12 months ago I made '11 for 11' genealogy goals.  I feel setting goals has helped focus my research, but I don't know if I will do '12 for 12' or not.  Some of my goals were too vague, so if I do it again I will simplify the goals I want to achieve.  I completed 9 of the 11 goals for 2011, for 82%.  Goal numbers 4 and 9 were not achieved.  I never made it to Miami County, Indiana and I don't really have a good excuse.  And number 9 was more of a dream, I think.  I am a creature of habit and I thought I could do the same for my research.  Although I did not have a regular time for research I did a lot of research this year.  In addition, I completed many things that are not found in these goals.  How did your 2011 go genealogy-wise?
My 2011 genealogy goals are:
  1. Scan pictures! -Boy, did I scan pictures.  I scanned at home, my mom's, libraries, family reunion and a cousin's house.
  2. Work on my brickwall, Daniel Fenn.  I worked on it, but still no luck on who his parent's were.
  3. Make a concentrated effort to source every fact as I add it to my software program. I am most proud of my efforts here.  If it doesn't have a source, it doesn't go in Roots Magic.  I even went back and cleaned up/enhanced my sources already in my program. 
  4. Visit Miami County, Indiana to research Casper and Mary Graf further.
  5. Obtain my grandfather's, Otto August Fredrick, obituary.  A visit to the Library of Michigan enabled me to check this one off the list.  I found lots of other obituaries here too.
  6. Attend a genealogical conference.  I attended the FGS conference in Springfield, Illinois.  It was a wonderful experience and I am still researching using the tips I learned from the many excellent presenters.
  7. Start researching my son-in-law's ancestry.  I had made good progress on his father's side and just started his mother's side of the family.
  8. Talk to my mother and find out about family heirlooms in her possession.  I talked to her and took pictures of some of the heirlooms.
  9. Carve out a regular research time.
  10. Make contact with newly discovered cousins and share information.  This was a fun one, I have talked/emailed to many of my family researchers.
  11. Research myself! Add my personal facts to my genealogical software.  This was another fun one.  I added many facts about myself to my software.

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